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From Horse Feathers to Home: Peter Broderick

6018 days ago
Obscure SoundThe alleged fusion of contemporary and classical music has been a noticeable, if somewhat subtle, force over the past several years. For me, the first time I recalled an artist blatantly mentioning the mixture as an intentional component in his own w... more info

Breakfast: New Lineup/Tour

6019 days ago
JamBaseTHE BREAKFAST: SYNERGY OF SOUND TOUR The Breakfast Jam monsters The Breakfast are out on their Synergy of Sound 2008 fall tour, spanning both coasts with stops in the Midwest and Rocky Mountain regions. A hard hitting jazz rock experimental gro... more info

Oasis: Dig Out Your Soul

6019 days ago
Paste MagazineBrit-Pop vets create a wall of boring For all the band’s outlandish bragging, Oasis has never shown as much nerve in its sound, preferring to polish the rough edges and refine aggressions rather than seek new territory. This neo-conservatism work... more info

Oasis New Album 'Dig Out Your Soul In Stores Today

6019 days ago
Stopcryingyourheartout.comI'm popping along to my local record store to pick up the new album today...‘Dig Out Your Soul’ was produced by Dave Sardy who worked with the band on 2005’s, ‘Don’t Believe The Truth’. It was recorded at Abbey... more info

Oasis 'Dig Out Your Soul' Review

6019 days ago
Stopcryingyourheartout.comOasis’s best records should be heard in bars, with lots of people talking and a game on the television. Its giant planes of guitar sound and Liam Gallagher’s slow-motion nasal burr — one of the great British sounds — compl... more info

Kelli Ali - Rocking Horse

6019 days ago
Rock SelloutI'm loving the artists on One Little Indian more and more - maybe it's the onset of winter but this whole album has warmed my heart. Rocking Horse is by one-time Sneaker Pimp Kelli Ali. I have read her description of inspirations behind the record, a... more info

Oasis Back In The Groove

6020 days ago
Stopcryingyourheartout.comDig Out Your SoulSun Rating: 3 1/2 out of 5For 15 years, Noel Gallagher has been making it look easy. But lately, he's just taking it easy.Just dig into Dig Out Your Soul and hear for yourself. The seventh Oasis studio album is earthy and relaxed, no... more info


6021 days ago
MetalsucksOf all the vintage videogame systems, the original Nintendo always had the best music. And something about it seemed to lend itself well to metal; there are plenty of websites offering metal-reinterpretations of classic NES music (among them the exce... more info

[Local] Kentucky's Equus Cornerstone

6022 days ago
I Guess I'm FloatingEven if you aren't from Kentucky or have never visited, odds are you've associated horses and/or horse racing with the Bluegrass State on at least one occasion. Rightfully so, for Kentucky's relationship to all things equine extends far beyond the n... more info

Listen To Taylor Swift “White Horse” (Audio)

6022 days ago
Pop Crunch Taylor Swift will unveil her new album Fearless on November 11. With her current single “Love Story” heating up Billboard Hot 100, Taylor is preparing the release of the album’s second single, “White Horse,” which was featured on last week... more info

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