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Islet - Euphoria

647 days ago
Sweeping The NationOr as we know them round here, The Band We Once Played A Quiz Machine With. Thirteen years in Islet are not only proven as one of Britain's most underappreciated acts, they're cast iron one of our greatest live bands, kinetic energy in the re... more info

2020 in summary

1552 days ago
Sweeping The NationWell, now. What an all-round shitshow that has been, eh? We won't go on about the same things everybody else has been on about, only to specify that it has been quite a good year for recorded music, not that we really posted about it because who ... more info

2020's 20

1917 days ago
Sweeping The NationBeing twenty things that, knowing our previous record, will be very scattershot in terms of actually coming good. Sorry, everyone.There Is No Year is the slightly confounding title of Algiers' third album, due 17th January. The Underside Of Power... more info

40 From 40 Plus 10: 2013

1950 days ago
Sweeping The NationOnwards in our survey of our favourite stuff that tells the story, or at least a hyper-specific version of it, of each year of the decade just finishing. 2013, then. It doesn't feel like it, either now or reading the contemporary view, but it was... more info

DiScover: Farm Hand

2706 days ago
DrownedInSoundDiS caught up with Islet's Mark Daman Thomas to talk about his new solo project Farm Hand more info

STN Top 50 Albums Of 2013: 20-18

4120 days ago
Sweeping The Nation20 Low - The Invisible Way[iTunes] [Spotify] [Amazon]Low haven't been slowcore as such for a while now, but their raw delicacy still requires taking the time and effort to lose yourself in. This tenth album, for its occasional nods at gospel and ... more info

Islet - Released by the Movement

4197 days ago
DrownedInSoundReleased by the Movement proves once and for all that Islet need to ditch this façade of normality and just go bat-shit crazy. Read the full story on more info

And the rest: His Clancyness/Islet/Mammoth Penguins

4257 days ago
Sweeping The NationHis Clancyness - Zenith DiamondJust four and a half years or thereabouts since we first wrote about Jonathan Clancy's solo project he announces an album, Vicious out 7th October. Actually, maybe because it's now officially a trio, it sounds more in t... more info

Review: Islet – ‘Triangulation Station’

4301 days ago
Let's Get CynicalSo last month, Shape Records were kind enough to send me the new single from Islet, makers of one of last year’s most intriguing albums, Illuminated People (which I reviewed for Muso’s Guide here). Of course, I then repaid that kindness by … ... more info

Islet - Triangulation Station

4349 days ago
Sweeping The NationThe propulsive madmen/woman of Cardiff jagged frenzy and instrument-swapping Kraut-psych-absurdity are back with a second album, Released By The Movement, in the autumn, from which comes a single out 10th June that, obviously, sounds nothing like nor... more info

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