Incarcerated rapper plans 'viral' release for September, promising a taster of forthcoming album Tha Carter IVLil Wayne will release a new EP from behind bars, one of his managers has revealed. While the rapper serves his one-year prison term, he will celebrate his 27th birthday with a "viral" digital release called I'm Not a Human Being."We not about to roll out no three-month set-up," Cortez Bryant told Vibe magazine. "I'm not even putting [the EP] out in stores. We just gonna put it out viral...
Guardian Music — Incarcerated rapper plans 'viral' release for September, promising a taster of forthcoming album Tha Carter IVLil Wayne will release a new EP from behind bars, one of his... more info News — Lil Wayne’s co-manager and Young Money CEO Cortez Bryant has revealed that Weezy will be releasing some new music for his in time for his 27th birthday. The incarcerate... more info
ContactMusic — Lil Wayne has been writing new songs while serving his prison sentence.The rapper - who is currently serving a one-year jail term in Rikers Island prison in New York... more info