Incarcerated rapper plans 'viral' release for September, promising a taster of forthcoming album Tha Carter IVLil Wayne will release a new EP from behind bars, one of his managers has revealed. While the rapper serves his one-year prison term, he will celebrate his 27th birthday with a "viral" digital release called I'm Not a Human Being."We not about to roll out no three-month set-up," Cortez Bryant told Vibe magazine. "I'm not even putting [the EP] out in stores. We just gonna put it out viral... News — Lil Wayne’s co-manager and Young Money CEO Cortez Bryant has revealed that Weezy will be releasing some new music for his in time for his 27th birthday. The incarcerate... more info
Guardian Music — Incarcerated rapper plans 'viral' release for September, promising a taster of forthcoming album Tha Carter IVLil Wayne will release a new EP from behind bars, one of his... more info
ContactMusic — Lil Wayne has been writing new songs while serving his prison sentence.The rapper - who is currently serving a one-year jail term in Rikers Island prison in New York... more info