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2 stories in this thread

19:06 on May 21 2009

**EXCLUSIVE** Bananarama lead singer Siobhan Fahey talks about the music biz

The Newsroomv5488, NEW YORK, NEW YORK - Thursday May 14 2009. **EXCLUSIVE** Bananarama lead singer Siobhan Fahey talks about the music biz. Fahey was attanding the premiere for the m... more info
19:06 on May 21 2009

**EXCLUSIVE** Rob Reiner and Lips from rock group Anvil talk to us about their rock careers at the Nuart theatre in LA

The Newsroomv5489, NEW YORK, NEW YORK - Thursday May 14 2009. **EXCLUSIVE** Rob Reiner and Lips from rock group Anvil talk to us about their rock careers at the Nuart theatre in West... more info


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