"American Idol" Producers Almost Corrupt Nation's Youth With Sex Over the Phone [For Entertainment Purposes Only]
So this week America will be forced to decide between 13 Idol hopefuls. As anyone who's watched even one performance episode of American Idol knows, this means there will be 13 different toll-free numbers, each assigned to a different contestant, for the purposes of at-home voting. The numbers usually run from 1-866-436-5701 through 1-866-436-5712. When it comes to the new (and unlucky) 13th number, however, it seems the Idol braintrust may have hit a snag. A filthy, dirty snag.
Usually if y...
Idolator — So this week America will be forced to decide between 13 Idol hopefuls. As anyone who's watched even one performance episode of American Idol knows, this means there will... more info