(Goldmine Sacks) The Stone Roses: The Reunion and the Covers
By now you know the story. Take four lads from Manchester in the mid '80s, the early gigs competing with Primal Scream for dominance, that epic John Leckie produced self-titled with guitarist John Squire's Pollock influenced album cover, the Hacienda, Spike Island, the 4 year reclusion, the let-down of Second Coming and subsequent split. So here we are in 2011 and according to reports from Ian Brown via the NME, the reunion is "happening."
We explore what this means some 15 ye...
Impose Magazine — By now you know the story. Take four lads from Manchester in the mid '80s, the early gigs competing with Primal Scream for dominance, that epic John Leckie produced s... more info