(Goldmine Sacks) Week In Pop: Pictureplane, Ear PWR, Kids On A Crime Spree
And so another week goes by. Our overrated and overstated hype guards were really blowing it this week, what with Lupe Fiasco sounding like a Linkin Park on Colbert, Death Cab enlisting Shepard Fairey to wheat paste platitudes to distract from their awkward music, and Tyler passing up on receiving a coveted 'Best New Music' sticker. What relevance any of this has on our lives will only be known years from now but let us relish first in what this week has brought us in no particu...
Impose Magazine — And so another week goes by. Our overrated and overstated hype guards were really blowing it this week, what with Lupe Fiasco sounding like a Linkin Park on Colbert, Deat... more info