(Head Cleaner) Thousand Foot Whale Claw, Lost in Those Dunes
Listening on:
A Panasonic RX-CW 42, with original speakers. Or, at least, I'm pretty sure these are the original speakers. Either way, this is one of the louder cassette/radio only units I have. The RX-CW 42's main assets are an overly enthusiastic five channel EQ and a high speed-dubbing mode that's perfect for old school piracy. It's by no means a huge system, but judging by the Aerosmith's Greatest Hits tape that was in the right side deck when I found it, thi...
Impose Magazine — Listening on:
A Panasonic RX-CW 42, with original speakers. Or, at least, I'm pretty sure these are the original speakers. Either way, this is one of the louder casset... more info