Oklahoma and 360 minutes of nonstop music sound like my personal hell. But add The Flaming Lips in there and it may be some kind of heaven on earth. The rumors are indeed true: The Lips are working on a 24 hour long song and have already recorded the single longest piece of music in their (and most other's) ouvre: a six hour song or 360 minutes to be exact. The track, "Found A Star On The Ground", began in Steven Drozd's home studio in none other than Oklahoma and took off from...
L.A. Times - Pop & Hiss — Flaming Lips to release a single track that runs 6 hours. The song is a fundraiser for two organizations in the band's hometown of Oklahoma City. more info
L.A. Times - Entertainment — "Found a Star on the Ground" runs six hours and it's being released as a philanthropic move to benefit two groups in the band's hometown of Oklahoma City."Found a Star on... more info
Perez Hilton — Has anyone gone though this entire song yet?!?!?!?
Back in August, The Flaming Lips announced plans to release a SIX HOUR SONG entitled I Found a Star On The Ground.
The ... more info
Impose Magazine — Oklahoma and 360 minutes of nonstop music sound like my personal hell. But add The Flaming Lips in there and it may be some kind of heaven on earth. The rumors are indeed... more info