'Lloyd, Cole and the Commotion' – a headline lost on the young
Lawrence Donegan was the bass player in the 80s indie band, but his colleague (31) isn't too impressedKids today, they just don't know their mildly successful 1980s indie bands. More worryingly for the folks over at the Sun, 31-year-olds don't either. Which brings me to the headline above yesterday's story about Cheryl Cole's controversial – some might say "tone deaf" – decision to send Cher Lloyd into X Factor finals. Lloyd, Cole and the Commotion, it read. Geddit? You know: big(ish) in t...
Guardian Music — Lawrence Donegan was the bass player in the 80s indie band, but his colleague (31) isn't too impressedKids today, they just don't know their mildly successful 1980s indie... more info