[MP3] new Sunset Rubdown: "Nightingale / December Song"
I'm heading down to Mexico for graduation vacation (part one) this morning and will return early next week. While packing for my trip last night, though, I received some new listening material for my trip in the form Sunset Rubdown's upcoming release Dragonslayer. I'm a huge Spencer Krug fan and believe almost everything he touches turns into creative gold, not to mention his live performances are as intense as his trademark vocals. Dragonslayer sends Spencer in a direction more experimental ...
Chorus.fm — Go here (http://www.scdistribution.com/cat/scd_catalog.php?usersearch=sunset+rubdown&order=&submit=Go) to pre-order *Sunset Rubdown (http://www.sunsetrubdown.net/)*'s upc... more info
I Guess I'm Floating — I'm heading down to Mexico for graduation vacation (part one) this morning and will return early next week. While packing for my trip last night, though, I received some... more info