A bowed banjo doth a good song make.Back in November 2007 I mentioned The Antlers' free Cold War EP, raving "Silberman sings like a timid Jeff Buckley over a wall of droning and bending noises and vocal melodies that challenge even my most elevated opinion of In Rainbows." I just saw that press snippet on Antlers' website and thought "ok, what the hell was I talking about?? Oh, wait... right... this song:"[MP3] The Antlers - Apple Orchard (Beach House Cover)Credit must go to Beach House for cons...
I Guess I'm Floating — A bowed banjo doth a good song make.Back in November 2007 I mentioned The Antlers' free Cold War EP, raving "Silberman sings like a timid Jeff Buckley over a wall of dron... more info