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4 stories in this thread

12:33 on February 5 2009

Jessica Simpson - Magazine Denies Dropping Simpson Over Weight Scandal

ContactMusicExecutives at a U.S. fitness magazine have denied dropping JESSICA SIMPSON from an upcoming covershoot due to the recent controversy over her weight. The singer found her... more info
13:41 on February 5 2009

'Self' Denies Losing Jess Over Weight Gain

AOL MusicJessica Simpson will not be appearing on the cover of fitness magazine Self, as scheduled - but whose fault is it? Not Self's, claims Editor-In-Chief Lucy Danziger. more info
13:41 on February 5 2009

'Self' Denies Losing Jess Over Weight Gain

PopeaterJessica Simpson will not be appearing on the cover of fitness magazine Self, as scheduled - but whose fault is it? Not Self's, claims Editor-In-Chief Lucy Danziger. ... more info
14:00 on February 5 2009

Jessica Simpson Is So Plane Looking

TMZFiled under: Paparazzi Photo, Beauty, Jessica Simpson, Hot Bodies Despite the fact her curves are getting more press than her music ever did, a tanner Jessica Simps arr... more info


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