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3 stories in this thread

20:03 on September 13 2012

[VIDEO] Simon Cowell And Britney Spears Talk The X Factor With Jimmy Kimmell

411 ManiaAmong other things... more info
13:36 on September 13 2012

Simon Cowell and Britney Spears Talk X Factor – Jimmy Kimmel Live (VIDEO)

Mjsbigblog Simon Cowell and Britney Spears dropped by Jimmy Kimmel Live yesterday to talk X Factor 2. Simon admits he was “sloshed” while  tweeting from a plane over the week... more info
16:08 on September 13 2012

Britney Spears & Simon Cowell Bare Chests All On Jimmy Kimmel!

Perez HiltonAwww these two love judge bugs are obvious besties for life and we can't wait to watch their sassy friendship blossom over the coming weeks! Britney Spears and Simon Cowe... more info


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