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3 stories in this thread

19:03 on December 3 2011

[VIDEO] Stone Roses' Ian Brown and John Squire Reunite Onstage

411 ManiaFor the first time in 16 years... more info
10:50 on December 5 2011

The Stone Roses' Ian Brown and John Squire reunite on stage

Guardian MusicSinger and guitarist perform together for first time in 16 years, making surprise appearance at Manchester benefit concertThe Stone Roses' Ian Brown and John Squire mount... more info
13:06 on December 4 2011

Stone Roses - Stone Roses Stars Reunite Onstage

ContactMusicStone Roses stars Ian Brown and John Squire reunited on stage on Friday night 02Dec11 for the first time in 16 years The rockers have revived the legendary band for a ser... more info


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