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16 stories in this thread

13:45 on March 30 2010

MGMT's Batshit "Flash Delirium" Video

PitchforkJust listening to MGMT's "Flash Delirium"-- with its stylistic change-ups and inexplicable internal logic-- can send you into a fever dream. And now the crazed first sing... more info
11:14 on March 30 2010

MGMT's 'Flash Delirium' Video: Sensible Nonsense, Justifiably So NewsVideo is like Beck's bizarre 'Sexx Laws' clip for a new generation.By James Montgomery MGMT in their video for "Flash Delirium" Photo: Sony/Columbia There's a w... more info
19:11 on March 30 2010

Watch MGMT’s Major WTF Video For “Flash Delirium”

IdolatorIt’s not often that we are left literally speechless at a music video. But MGMT’s vid for the sprawling, 60s-harking track “Flash Delirium” is as trippy as nonsen... more info
15:23 on March 30 2010

MGMT – “Flash Delirium” Video

StereogumForgive me: Like its scratch-off packaging, “Flash Delirium,” reveals more layers once you start picking at it. Congratulations‘ 4 minute and 16 second flags... more info
23:18 on March 30 2010

MGMT's 'Flash Delirium' Video: Sensible Nonsense, Justifiably So

VH1 NewsMGMT's "Flash Delirium" video is completely bizarre and largely nonsensical, which is probably what the band had in mind. more info
11:25 on March 30 2010

Watch MGMT’s New ‘Flash Delirium’ Video

Addict Music 'Flash Delirium' will appear on their new album Congratulations, the follow-up to their 2007 debut Oracular Spectacular, which is due out on the 12th of April. more info
12:19 on March 30 2010

Watch: MGMT - 'Flash Delirium'

DrownedInSoundLast week synth-pop duo MGMT got so annoyed by the leak of their new record, Congratulations, that they ended up streaming it themselves on their own website those of you... more info
16:12 on March 30 2010

[music video]: MGMT – Flash Delirium

We All Want Someone To Shout ForCheck out the equally quirk and bizzare music video for MGMT’s Flash Delirium embedded below. It was directed by Andreas Nilsson. If you haven’t already, pre-order C... more info
17:04 on March 30 2010

[VIDEO] Watch MGMT's "Flash Delirium" Video

411 ManiaFirst video from MGMT's new album hits the net... more info
20:55 on March 31 2010

MGMT – Flash Delirium

Addict Music Flash Delirium' will appear on their new album Congratulations, the follow-up to their 2007 debut Oracular Spectacular, which is due out on the 12th of April. more info
12:21 on March 30 2010

Video: MGMT - Flash Delirium

AngryApe more info
14:16 on March 30 2010

New videos from Keane and MGMT

The Music FixNews Flash: to feast your eyes uponMGMT's 'Flash Delirium' is taken from their forthcoming album 'Congratulations' which is out through Columbia on the 12th April Stop ... more info
19:27 on March 30 2010

MGMT new album Congratulations

The World ForgotThe new album by MGMT finds the dynamic duo pushing further into the historical bog of rock music.  If their first album, Oracular Spectacular, was a tribute to an aci... more info
22:05 on March 30 2010

[New video] MGMT - Flash Delirium

8/1Kids, Time To Pretend, Electric Feel gibi şarkılarla hazzın doruklarına çıkan MGMT şımarıklığını daha birkaç albüm sürd�... more info
15:15 on March 30 2010


Perez HiltonWe don't care for the song, but we love the video! Check out MGMT's just-released clip for Flash Delirium (above). more info
22:43 on March 30 2010

MGMT “Flash Delirium” Video

Culture BullyMGMT's wildly bizarre music video for "Flash Delirium" from the album "Congratulations." more info


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