E! premiered the first of a three part series in their reality series about Niki Minaj last night. Hit play above to see Niki work on her new album ‘Pink Friday Roman Reloaded: The Re-Up’, go to the American Idol auditions, and more. Props to Yardie
The post [Video]: Nicki Minaj: My Truth (Episode 1) appeared first on The Hip Hop Chronicle UK.
Mjsbigblog —
The Nicki Minaj reality show, Nicki Minaj: My Truth, debuted on E!. In a clip the American Idol judge weighs in on her feud with Mariah Carey.
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ContactMusic — Never one to shy away from confrontation, the candid Nicki Minaj has set about a mission of veracity with her new three part show, My Truth, which... more info
The Hip Hop Chronicle — E! premiered the first of a three part series in their reality series about Niki Minaj last night. Hit play above to see Niki work on her new album ‘Pink Friday Roman R... more info