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3 stories in this thread

06:24 on December 11 2009

[Video] Matt Helders (Arctic Monkeys) Sings “Last Christmas”

We All Want Someone To Shout ForI am going to see Arctic Monkeys tomorrow at Terminal 5 in NYC! I cannot wait. They also played last night (Thurs 12/10) and in the middle of “Fluorescent Adolescent”... more info
07:00 on December 11 2009

[NEW/Video] Arctic Monkeys – Joining The Dots

We All Want Someone To Shout ForMore Arctic Monkeys video madness! What can I say, I love the band! I also love youtube. The Arctic’s played an acoustic radio set for the NY station RXP. Someone was s... more info
07:10 on December 11 2009

Arctic Monkeys & Screaming Females @ Terminal 5 (night 1) - pics & setlist

Brooklyn Veganphotos by Chris La Putt Screaming Females / Arctic Monkeys When Arctic Monkeys' first single went to No 1 in 2005, everyone had a bash at trying to define them. Alex Turn... more info


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