100% HomeGrown with DJ Target 2011-02-20 HomeGrown Talk – Sex & Violence Sells, So Why Not?
“DJ. IRONIK, TY, ENVY, SHIMMER BABY journalist JOANNA ABEYIE, blogger ADELE WHITE and MEGAMAN discussed the topic ‘SEX & VIOLENCE SELLS – SO WHY NOT ?’ with DJ. TARGET as part of BBC Radio 1Xtra’s Homegrown Season 2011. Next week we reflect on the success of UK Homegrown Music with the question …. THE FUTURE [...]
Core News — “DJ. IRONIK, TY, ENVY, SHIMMER BABY journalist JOANNA ABEYIE, blogger ADELE WHITE and MEGAMAN discussed the topic ‘SEX & VIOLENCE SELLS – SO WHY NOT ?’ with DJ. T... more info