50 Cent has gone into business with boxer Manny Pacquiao. The rapper has teamed up with Pacquiao to form a new promtions company. In an interview with The Breakfast Club, 50 confirms the venture. This was followed by a statement from Pacquiao’s business adviser, Miachael Koncz. “I think with 50 Cent, with his entertainment connections ...
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The Hip Hop Chronicle — 50 Cent has gone into business with boxer Manny Pacquiao. The rapper has teamed up with Pacquiao to form a new promtions company. In an interview with The Breakfast Club,... more info
The Hip Hop Chronicle — 50 Cent linked up with Power 105.1s breakfast club crew for the first time yesterday in New York. There he spoke on his conflict concerning the death of his manager Chris... more info
The Hip Hop Chronicle — Sitting down with Hot 97′s Angie Martinez and DJ Enuff, 50 Cent speaks on Chris Lighty who recently passed away. The rapper doesn’t believe it was suicide.
The pos... more info