50 Cent has signed X-Factor contestant Gamu Gamuchirai to his G-Note label. The singer was revealed as the latest offering to the new label, which center’s around Pop and R&B artists. “Miss Gamuchirai has been singed to 50 Cent’s new record label, G-Note!” The rapper wanted to sign Gamu for a while but had to be [...]
MTV.co.uk News — 50 Cent has reportedly signed The X Factor reject Gamu Nhengu to his new record label, G-Note.According to Microblogbuzz.com, the Baby By Me rapper has recruited Gamu - o... more info
The Hip Hop Chronicle — 50 Cent has signed X-Factor contestant Gamu Gamuchirai to his G-Note label. The singer was revealed as the latest offering to the new label, which center’s around Pop ... more info