A Judge Has Ruled That Led Zeppelin Didn’t Rip Off “Stairway To Heaven”
If you haven’t been following music lawsuit news or have a middle-aged Dad in your life who is really into both classic rock and plagiarism, then this will be new to you. Two years ago, a lawyer representing the estate of guitarist Randy Wolfe, formerly of a band called Spirit, filed a copyright infringement lawsuit […]
New York Times — A federal jury said the hit song did not contain enough extrinsic similarities to “Taurus,†a song released three years earlier by the band Spirit. more info
Rolling Stone — After a brisk, colorful trial, a jury is expected to leave a Los Angeles federal courtroom Wednesday afternoon and deliberate the question every rock fan has been forc... more info
Rolling Stone — Led Zeppelin have won a copyright lawsuit that claimed they had plagiarized the music to their most celebrated song, "Stairway to Heaven." A Los Angeles jury determined T... more info
Rolling Stone — The Led Zeppelin classic "Stairway to Heaven" may have been pop music's first symphony. However, a recent lawsuit filed against Zeppelin - over claims that "Stairwa... more info
Rolling Stone — Attorney Francis Malofiy, the lawyer for the plaintiff that brought a copyright lawsuit against Led Zeppelin, has responded to the verdict. On Thursday, a Los Angel... more info
Guardian Music — Los Angeles jury finds Robert Plant and Jimmy Page did not lift the most famous passage from the 1971 anthem from the band SpiritLed Zeppelin has defeated a lawsuit that ... more info
BBC News - UK — Led Zeppelin did not plagiarise the opening chords of the rock epic Stairway to Heaven from the US band Spirit, a jury in Los Angeles finds. more info
Guardian Music — Led Zeppelin musicians Robert Plant and Jimmy Page have won a lawsuit brought by the estate of guitarist Randy Wolfe, which alleges that the introduction sequence of the ... more info
Mercury News, California — In $40 million lawsuit, jury finds Led Zeppelin didn’t rip off the band Spirit when it wrote the rock classic “Stairway to Heaven.” more info
Dlisted — If you haven’t been following music lawsuit news or have a middle-aged Dad in your life who is really into both classic rock and plagiarism, then this will be new to yo... more info
Uncut —
Page and Plant win
Page and Plant win
The post Led Zeppelin cleared of plagiarism in “Stairway To Heaven” trial appeared first on Uncut. more info
L.A. Times - Entertainment — Rock giant Led Zeppelin did not lift music that formed the basis for their iconic hit “Stairway to Heaven,†a jury found Thursday, clearing the iconic r... more info
USA Today Music — A federal court jury decided on June 23rdd that Led Zeppelin did not steal a riff from an obscure 1960s instrumental tune to use for the introduction of its classic rock ... more info
The Mirror —
Jurors at the federal court in Los Angeles retired to consider their verdicts on Wednesday after judge Robert Gary Klausner told them they must reach a unanimous verdic... more info
L.A. Times - Pop & Hiss — Rock giant Led Zeppelin did not lift music that formed the basis for their iconic hit “Stairway to Heaven,†a jury found Thursday, clearing the iconic rock... more info
Roadrunner - Blabbermouth — A federal court jury decided Thursday (June 23) in LED ZEPPELIN's favor in the copyright-infringement lawsuit over the band's 1971 classic "Stairway To Heaven".
Jimmy Pa... more info