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6 stories in this thread

19:05 on January 21 2010

Aerosmith Looking For Replacement Singer

411 ManiaIn lieu of Steven Tyler being out for surgery... more info
10:54 on January 22 2010

Aerosmith auditions

Yahoo! Music UKDotmusic - Rock veterans want to replace Steven Tyler more info
11:16 on January 22 2010

Aerosmith hold auditions to replace Steven Tyler

Guardian MusicThe band's lead guitarist, Joe Perry, claims they are seeking a 'fill-in' singer while Tyler recovers from surgery. Then they'll welcome him back. Probably ...Aerosmith w... more info
12:20 on January 22 2010

Aerosmith 'look to replace Tyler'

BBC News - UKAerosmith guitarist Joe Perry reveals the rock band are starting auditions to replace frontman Steven Tyler, who is in drug rehab. more info
14:30 on January 22 2010

Aerosmith to audition singers to replace Steven Tyler

NMEAuditions set to gear up in February more info
16:41 on January 22 2010

Steven Tyler Sings Aerosmith at a California Pub’s Karaoke Night

Rolling StoneWhile it doesn’t appear likely that Steven Tyler will be singing for Aerosmith anytime soon, he’s still finding a way to perform his band’s songs… karaoke-sty... more info


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