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3 stories in this thread

20:42 on March 22 2017

Album Review: The Sound of Sadness Overwhelms and Inspires Mount Eerie

New York TimesPhil Elverum wrote “A Crow Looked at Me” in the aftermath of his wife’s death. The songs explore his grief. more info
14:21 on March 21 2017

Album Of The Week: Mount Eerie A Crow Looked At Me

Stereogum"This new album is barely music." That's Phil Elverum speaking about his new Mount Eerie album A Crow Looked At Me in Jayson Greene's stunning Pitchfork profile. "It’s ... more info
14:17 on March 20 2017

Mount Eerie - A Crow Looked at Me

DrownedInSoundSometimes things just end more info


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