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3 stories in this thread

01:01 on February 23 2009

Alicia Keys Wigs the Hell Out

TMZFiled under: Awards/Awards Shows Alicia Keys arrives to the Oscars sporting her brand new $9.99 Slauson Swap Meet wig. No word if she splurged on a bulletproof model!...... more info
01:45 on February 23 2009

Alicia Keys Shows Some Leg

Perez HiltonAlicia Keys greeted cameras with a wink and a nod on the Oscar red carpet on Sunday evening! Mz. Keys showed up to the ceremonies in a risqué purple floor length gown,... more info
15:55 on February 23 2009

Alicia Keys Changes It Up

Perez HiltonAlicia Keys slipped out of her stunning lavender gown to change into an equally vibrant yellow dress for the Vanity Fair Oscar party Sunday night. That color looks a-maaa... more info


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