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3 stories in this thread

19:44 on June 11 2014

Alone in Las Vegas, man crafts clip for Celine Dion's 'All By Myself'

L.A. Times - EntertainmentIt's becoming a genre all its own: the "stuck in an airport with too much time" video, which is ascending to new heights due to the work of a Georgia-based traveler in La... more info
19:44 on June 11 2014

Alone in Las Vegas, man crafts clip for Celine Dion's 'All By Myself'

L.A. Times - News more info
18:29 on June 12 2014

Celine Dion -- Hey, Lonely Airport Singer -- You Can Hang With Me (VIDEO)

TMZCeline Dion is offering free show tickets -- and a little companionship -- to a guy who turned a lonely night in the Las Vegas airport into a hilarious video. If you have... more info


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