Am I Right Ladies? Swiffer: Don't Clean Home Without It
Whatever happened to stand by your MOP, amirite Tammy Wynette? It’s the 21st century and when it comes to cleaning supplies we modern girls don’t just want a sponge making us wet in the kitchen - we need a companion who wants to help us to have it all AND still calls us after we let them go to third. O! Praise the modern technologies that brought us the Swiffer. Now we can get our jets wet without soiling the linoleum, amirightladies? ... More »
Post from: Crushable
Am I Right Ladies? S...
Big Apple Music Scene — Whatever happened to stand by your MOP, amirite Tammy Wynette? It’s the 21st century and when it comes to cleaning supplies we modern girls don’t just want a sponge m... more info