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6 stories in this thread

07:07 on October 5 2010

Amy Winehouse - Winehouse Clean For Almost Three Years

ContactMusicAMY WINEHOUSE is adamant she hasn't used drugs "in almost three years" - and the former wild-living singer is determined to stay clean.The Back to Black hitmaker's... more info
12:21 on October 5 2010

Amy Winehouse: 'I Haven't Used Drugs In Almost Three Years'

StarpulseAmy Winehouse is adamant she hasn't used drugs "in almost three years" - and the former wild-living singer is determined to stay clean. The Back to Black hit-maker's a... more info
04:32 on October 6 2010

Amy Winehouse: 'I've Been Drug Free For Three Years'

GigwiseSinger says she's clean... more info
10:38 on October 6 2010

Amy Winehouse 'drug-free for three years'

The Independent Singer Amy Winehouse has claimed she has been drug-free for three years. more info
10:27 on October 6 2010

Amy Winehouse claims to have been drug-free for three years

The MirrorSinger Amy Winehouse has claimed she has been drug-free for three years. more info
11:50 on October 6 2010

Amy 'drug-free for three years'

The MirrorAmy Winehouse has claimed she has been drug-free for three years. more info


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