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5 stories in this thread

16:30 on December 14 2010

Girl Who Shot Miley Video Targeted with Threats

TMZFiled under: Miley Cyrus The girl who filmed Miley Cyrus hitting the bong has been getting threats since TMZ posted the video -- and now we... more info
17:04 on December 14 2010

Bill O'Reilly Calls Miley Cyrus Pathetic

411 ManiaO'Reilly slams Miley for bong video... more info
20:03 on December 14 2010

Girl Who Recorded Miley Cyrus Bong Video In Hiding

411 ManiaShe's getting threats... more info
19:56 on December 14 2010

Anna Oliver Recorded Miley Cyrus Bong VIDEO

Pop CrunchThe Interwebs isn’t safe for a Cyrus Benedict Arnold! The teenage girl who held the camera as Miley Cyrus got her bong on in the now infamous Hannah Montana bong-smokin... more info
21:40 on December 14 2010

O' Reilly Vs. Miley!

Perez HiltonLast night, on The O' Reilly Factor, Bill O' Reilly called Miley Cyrus "pathetic" for smoking salvia. Harsh, perhaps, but he's only saying what many of you are already t... more info


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