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3 stories in this thread

21:01 on October 9 2012

The Ataris Singer Attacks Drummer Onstage

ContactMusicThe Ataris frontman KRiS ROE shocked fans at a concert in New Jersey on Saturday (06Oct12) when he flew into a rage onstage and started attacking... more info
21:32 on October 9 2012

Ataris singer attacks drummer on stage

Jam! Showbiz Music, CanadaThe Ataris frontman Kris Roe shocked fans at a concert in New Jersey on Saturday when he flew into a rage onstage and started attacking drummer Rob Felicetti. more info
00:07 on October 10 2012

[VIDEO] Ataris Singer Attacks His Drummer On Stage

411 ManiaThe band has issued a statement about it… more info


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