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5 stories in this thread

09:54 on August 4 2011

Avril Lavigne 'attacked' on stage

NMESinger is harassed by fan before Coldplay cover more info
08:44 on August 4 2011

Avril Lavigne Mobbed By Fan Onstage Before Coldplay Cover - Watch

GigwiseShe's confrotned by female fan... more info
14:50 on August 4 2011

Fan Rushes Stage And Grabs Avril Lavigne!

Perez HiltonWell we haven't seen something like this in a while! During a concert in Brazil, a crazed fan rushed the stage and grabbed Avril Lavigne! Luckily, security quickly nabbed... more info
17:11 on August 4 2011

Avril Lavigne - Avril Lavigne 'attacked' By Fan During Coldplay Cover

ContactMusicAvril Lavigne, the Canadian pop singer currently performing on her 'Black Star' tour, was attacked by a fan during a recent concert in Brazil. The singer launched into a ... more info
18:02 on August 4 2011

Avril Lavigne - Concert Scare For Avril Lavigne As Fan Dashes Onstage

ContactMusicA recent Avril Lavigne concert in Brazil was interrupted when a crazed fan rushed the stage in a bid to greet the singer. The Sk8er Boi hitmaker was performing on Tuesday... more info


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