XXL is reporting that Azealia Banks’s Twitter account has been suspended. XXL reached out to a Twitter rep, who told us they don’t comment on individual accounts for security and privacy reasons. They did, however, direct us towards a very specific part of their guidelines: “We may suspend an account if it has been reported […]
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Stereogum — In recent months, Twitter has come under fire for refusing to act against people who use the site to, say, threaten to rape or murder fellow Twitter users. But now Twitte... more info
Chorus.fm — XXL is reporting that Azealia Banks’s Twitter account has been suspended. XXL reached out to a Twitter rep, who told us they don’t comment on individual accounts for ... more info
Guardian Music — The rapper’s latest Twitter feud saw her strike out at former One Direction star Malik with homophobic and racially-charged slursRapper Azealia Banks has been susp... more info