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2 stories in this thread

05:14 on November 5 2009

Nuzzle Muzzle & Pris & BTO, The Treatment, Common Heroes, Tolkien, etc.

PowerpopulistWelcome to Powerpopulist, where all talk is small talk, especially when we got our Muzzle on.Muzzle - Jenna Fine mp3Muzzle - What a Bore mp3 And just who are - or were - ... more info
20:38 on November 4 2009

BTO in court battle over name rights

Jam! Showbiz Music, CanadaVANCOUVER, B.C. - Canadian rocker Randy Bachman is involved in a court fight with his brother over the rights to their iconic 1970s rock group's name Bachman-Turner Overd... more info


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