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2 stories in this thread

21:16 on July 6 2009

Babies = Vivian Girls+Woods+Bossy (live Market Hotel video)

Brooklyn Vegan"Babies is Kevin from Woods, Cassie from Vivian Girls (and Bossy) and Justin from Bossy." [Anonymous | July 1, 2009 11:17 AM]Babies played the Woodsist Fest afterparty at... more info
17:31 on July 7 2009

Vivian Girls - Woodsist Fest pics, new album info & 2009 tour dates w/ The Beets (DBA)

Brooklyn Veganphotos by Tim Griffin, words by Andrew Frisicano Vivian Girls played ourdoors on the second day of the Woodsist/Capture Tracks Festival on July 4th. They mixed old and ne... more info


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