Even with *Brand New (http://www.absolutepunk.net/brandnew)*'s shows in California being will-call shows -- it looks like there's a loophole that's led to some tickets showing up online (http://losangeles.craigslist.org/wst/tix/4192098059.html). Now, we've just been informed by AP.net user "Mister...
Chorus.fm — Even with *Brand New (http://www.absolutepunk.net/brandnew)*'s shows in California being will-call shows -- it looks like there's a loophole that's led to some tickets sh... more info
Chorus.fm — The "*Brand New (http://www.absolutepunk.net/brandnew)* doesn't care about their fans and are in it for the money" crowd are gonna have to eat some crow on this one. A fa... more info