Billie Lourd Speaks Out After the Deaths of Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds
A photo posted by Billie Lourd (@praisethelourd) on Jan 2, 2017 at 10:09am PST
Last week, young actress Billie Lourd's final days of 2016 took a heartbreaking turn. Just after Christmas, Billie lost her mother, Carrie Fisher, best known for her role as Princess Leia in the iconic first trilogy of Star Wars. The day after, Billie suffered the death of Debbie Reynolds, her grandmother. On Monday, the actress finally broke her silence by sharing a sad but uplifting note on her personal Instagr...
CNN Showbiz — Billie Lourd thanked her supporters Monday for giving her "strength" while dealing with the deaths of her mother, Carrie Fisher, and her grandmother, Debbie Reynolds.
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TMZ — Billie Lourd has broken her silence since losing both her mother, Carrie Fisher and her grandmother, Debbie Reynolds ... and her words are touching. Lourd posted a pic o... more info
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A photo posted by Billie Lourd (@praisethelourd) on Jan 2, 2017 at 10:09am PST
Last week, young actress Billie Lourd's final days of 2016 took a heartbreaking turn. ... more info