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4 stories in this thread

08:11 on January 6 2011

Billy Bragg - Bragg Targeted By Unhappy Villager

ContactMusicBritish folk rocker BILLY BRAGG has been targeted by a disgruntled neighbour in his English village who has sent letters to local residents denouncing the singer's libera... more info
10:18 on January 6 2011

Billy Bragg's neighbours urged to drive him out of village

Guardian MusicHate mail sent to residents calling for campaign against 'anti-British' singer and activistNeighbours of the singer-songwriter and political activist Billy Bragg have rec... more info
07:06 on January 6 2011

Billy Bragg Driven Out Of Village By Hate Mail

GigwiseAttacking his political views... more info
12:24 on January 6 2011

Billy Bragg hits out at BNP following hate campaign against him

NMESinger blames BNP for dozens of letters sent to his neighbours more info


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