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5 stories in this thread

08:59 on July 10 2009

U2 criticised for world tour carbon footprint

Guardian MusicEnvironmentalists claim the Irish stadium rockers' tour will create enough carbon to send Bono and the boys to Mars. Why not just send them to Mars?U2's world tour might ... more info
14:00 on July 10 2009

Blackberry Loves U2

Stereogum Blackberry's words, not ours.Their new ad campaign for the upcoming Mobile version of No Line On The Horizon features live footage of Bono & Co. going Coldplay throu... more info
22:04 on July 9 2009

Environmentalists Bash U2 For New Tour

411 ManiaU2's gonna need to plant how many trees to offset their environmental effects??? more info
19:05 on July 10 2009

U2 And The Black Eyed Peas To Tour Together

411 ManiaFergie is scared about the pairing... more info
16:44 on July 10 2009

Black Eyed Peas Expect 'Frosty' Welcome By U2 Fans

AngryApeWhen they support them on tour this summer more info


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