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2 stories in this thread

05:00 on July 20 2010

Pantha du Prince Tours With Blonde Redhead

Pitchfork - Tours07-29 Leeds, England - Brudenell Social Club07-30 Brighton, England - Audio07-31 London, England - Field Day Festival08-03 Manchester, England - Ruby Lounge08-06 Standon,... more info
05:00 on July 20 2010

Blonde Redhead Tour With Pantha du Prince

Pitchfork - Tours07-24 Seattle, WA - Capitol Hill Block Party09-11 Milan, Italy - Magazzini Generali 09-12 Rome, Italy - Auditorium Parco Della Musica09-13 Bologna, Italy - Estragon09-15 ... more info


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