Christmas in the Heart will include Yuletide classics like Winter Wonderland, Little Drummer Boy and Subterranean Homesick Reindeer (guess which one we made up)For those driving to visit their loved ones on Christmas Day, it may not just be Bob Dylan they hear on the satnav – but his version of Jingle Bells on the car stereo as well. The legendary songwriter has announced his first-ever Christmas album, with all proceeds going to charity.Christmas in the Heart will include Yuletide classi...
Guardian Music — Christmas in the Heart will include Yuletide classics like Winter Wonderland, Little Drummer Boy and Subterranean Homesick Reindeer (guess which one we made up)For those ... more info
BBC News - UK — Folk legend Bob Dylan will release his first album of Christmas songs, with royalties going to charity, his record label confirms. more info