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3 stories in this thread

20:25 on November 14 2013

ShopRadioCast Posts Statement on Brand New Stickergate

Chorus.fmShopRadioCast ( has sent out an email update in regard to the *Brand New (* The Devil and God... sticker... more info
20:32 on November 14 2013

Brand New is a Cult

Chorus.fmHmmm, more *Brand New (* news to get riled up about_: Tickets sold out for their discography shows ( more info
21:00 on November 15 2013

Brand New Scalper Spams Fan With Craigslist Scam

Chorus.fmA *Brand New (* fan contacted a ticket scalper that was asking for $250 for a ticket to the upcoming discography shows and told them ... more info


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