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3 stories in this thread

14:41 on September 22 2011

Britney Gives Beyoncé Advice On Motherhood NewsBritney Spears has offered mum-to-be Beyoncé some advice when it comes to being a celebrity mother in the music industry.Speaking exclusively to MTV News, the I Wanna Go... more info
11:30 on September 22 2011

Britney Spears Gives Beyonce Advice On Motherhood

GigwiseSays she should take 'time off'... more info
00:36 on September 23 2011

Britney Spears - Spears Offers Up Parenting Advice To Expectant Beyonce

ContactMusicBritney Spears is encouraging pregnant Beyonce to take a break from her career when she gives birth - because its important to treasure a babys first moments The Crazy In... more info


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