Britney Spears - Britney Spears Sued Over Perfume Deal
Britney Spears is caught up in a new legal mess over a perfume deal. The Toxic singer has been named in a $10 million (6. 25 million) lawsuit filed by the bosses of a branding company, who claim they set the star up with a...
TMZ — Filed under: Britney Spears, Celebrity Justice
Britney Spears allegedly defrauded a company that hooked her up with Elizabeth Arden in ... more info
ContactMusic — Britney Spears is caught up in a new legal mess over a perfume deal. The Toxic singer has been named in a $10 million (6. 25 million) lawsuit filed by the bosses of... more info
Pop Crunch — Britney Spears is caught up in a legal stink over a perfume deal gone done the drain. Branding company Brand Sense Partners LLC. is suing the pop princess and her [...]
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