Rapper T.I. has cemented his dominance on the U.S. pop charts by returning to the top and displacing BRITNEY SPEARS.
Spears broke T.I.'s Billboard Hot 100 chart jump ...
ContactMusic — BRITNEY SPEARS has "closed a chapter" in her troubled life after her driving without a license charges were dropped earlier this week (begs20Oct08).
The Toxic ... more info
Starpulse — Britney Spears was too "fragile" to appear in front of jurors deciding her fate in her recent driving license trial, according to her defense lawyer.[...] Read more! more info
ContactMusic — Rapper T.I. has cemented his dominance on the U.S. pop charts by returning to the top and displacing BRITNEY SPEARS.
Spears broke T.I.'s Billboard Hot 100 chart jump ... more info
ContactMusic — BRITNEY SPEARS has sparked a new trend at baby christenings - her youngest son's name is the second most popular in New York.
Jayden has landed at number two on New ... more info