The former American Idol contestant who was caught kissing married country singer Jason Aldean has apologised, blaming a "lapse in judgment" for the...
Mjsbigblog —
Here's a typically salacious item from TMZ. Jason Aldean was "caught" in a bar making out with Season 11 American Idol Hollywood contestant Brittany Kerr.
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ContactMusic — Jason Aldean is married and has children, but that didn't stop the country star copping off with American Idol contestant Brittany Kerr at a bar in... more info
Perez Hilton — Ruh-roh!!
All we needed was a pissed-off wife taking a Louisville slugger to both headlights of Jason Aldean's pretty little souped up four-wheel drive and we would've ha... more info
E! Online — Brittany Kerr wants out of the crossfire.
Just a day after Jason Aldean admitted to cheating on his wife, Jessica Ussery, Kerr, the former American Idol contestant seen... more info
Pop Crunch — Country crooner Jason Aldean has some ‘splainin to do after he was photographed playing a very public game of Tonsil Hockey with a former American Idol contestant. The ... more info
ContactMusic — The former American Idol contestant caught kissing married country star Jason Aldean has deleted her account after receiving a slew of... more info
ContactMusic — After Brittany Kerr and Jason Aldean enjoyed a drunken kiss, Kerr has apologized for her inappropriate behaviour with the married country singer,... more info
ContactMusic — The former American Idol contestant who was caught kissing married country singer Jason Aldean has apologised, blaming a "lapse in judgment" for the... more info
Mjsbigblog —
So, maybe now this is the end of the Jason Aldean/Brittany Kerr scandal? Nah. Probably not. Brittany Kerr has issued an apology for getting up close and personal with m... more info
Perez Hilton — Jason Aldean has already apologized to his friends, fans and family for his, ahem, indiscretion with season 11 American Idol contestant Brittany Kerr, but now it's her tu... more info