The 1997 New Yorker short story that became an Oscar-winning movie, and a million crude jokes, has now inspired an opera. The theatrical version of Brokeback Mountain by American composer Charles Wuorinen debuted in Madrid’s Teatro Real opera house on Tuesday. The story of Ennis Del Mar and Jack Twist, two lonely ranchers who fall in love in the 1960s, and the forces that keep them apart, was a powerful draw for Wuorinen. “The story embodies a contemporary version of an eternal and universal...
Reuters — MADRID (Reuters) - When Annie Proulx published "Brokeback Mountain" in The New Yorker magazine in 1997, she had no inkling the tragic cowboy love story would go on to ins... more info
Time — The 1997 New Yorker short story that became an Oscar-winning movie, and a million crude jokes, has now inspired an opera. The theatrical version of Brokeback Mountain by ... more info