Can You Figure Out Which Canadian Male Pop Star Mark Wahlberg Invited Over For Dinner?
We have a lot to thank Canada for. Not only have our neighbors to the North given us maple syrup, our favorite pair of Ryans, and Degrassi, but also a mysterious male pop star, the likes of whom Mark Wahlberg invited over for dinner the other night. While stopping by The Ellen DeGeneres Show on Friday, the Patriots Day actor hinted that Justin Bieber someone whose name probably rhymes with Dustin Treeber came over to the house, which had his 13-year-old daughter, Ella, in a tizzy. "She said, 'D...
PopSugar —
We have a lot to thank Canada for. Not only have our neighbors to the North given us maple syrup, our favorite pair of Ryans, and Degrassi, but also a mysterious male po... more info