Candy Spelling needs a shot of Lithium in her tongue, because she is bipolar as fuck. Last week, Candy sent off an open rant to TMZ about how Tori is a middle-aged reality TV whore blah blah blah oink blahz snort blahz. TMZ must have stopped returning her cries of crazy, because this week, she ran off to USA Today and had this message for her daughter: "I love you, and I always will." Candy, do not drag Dolly Parton into your mess!
Candy went on to yap that she wrote the letter to TMZ, because s...
Dlisted — Candy Spelling needs a shot of Lithium in her tongue, because she is bipolar as fuck. Last week, Candy sent off an open rant to TMZ about how Tori is a middle-aged realit... more info