English songbird Cheryl Cole — lead singer of the UK girl group Girls Aloud and an international men’s mag fixture — has cancelled all work commitments for the next week after collapsing on the set of a photoshoot over the weekend.“Following doctors’ advice Cheryl Cole will be cancelling all work commitments for the next week,” [...]
Yahoo! Music UK — world entertainment news -
Cheryl Cole's representative has confirmed the singer has cancelled all of her work commitments over the next week "following doctors' advice"... more info
Pop Crunch — English songbird Cheryl Cole — lead singer of the UK girl group Girls Aloud and an international men’s mag fixture — has cancelled all work commitments for the next... more info
ContactMusic — CHERYL COLE's representative has confirmed the British singer has cancelled all of her work commitments over the next week "following doctors' advice".The Girls Aloud... more info